No. 307 Shahid Motahari St. Tehran
Tel: 021-88715335

IPIAB Policies

Iranian Petroleum Institute Accreditation Body Quality Policy

In accordance with the requirements of Article 26 of the Law on Tenders and Article 15 of the Regulation of Knowledge-Based Production and Job Creation in the Petroleum Industry, as announced by the Minister of Petroleum, the "Iranian Petroleum Institute Accreditation Body" (IPIAB) was established. The IPIAB is an independent body within the Iranian Petroleum Institution (IPI), which itself operates as an autonomous body under the regulation of the Iranian Ministry of Petroleum. All processes of IPIAB are organized and implemented by the trained personnel and qualified subcontractors where necessary, according to the international requirements of accreditation bodies following ISO/IEC17011 standard.

Statement of impartiality…

The director of the Iranian Petroleum Institution Accreditation Body (IPIAB) undertakes to carry out the accreditation processes in an independent and impartial manner and to keep confidential the applicant body’s information, while establishing the policy and procedures of IPIAB and supervising them. By performing the respective mechanisms based on impartiality risk management, avoiding conflicts of interests, ensuring the competency of personnel, assessors, lead assessors, and technical experts, keeping confidential the information, enhancing the transparency in activities, and cooperating with all stakeholders, all personnel involved in carrying out the processes of IPIAB are committed to:
- Comply with the requirements of impartiality in accreditation activities;
- Prevent the impairment of impartiality in accreditation activities due to the commercial, financial and other pressures imposed by the internal and external origin;
- Keep confidential the information about Conformity Assessment Bodies and refrain from disclosing them, while observing the principles of confidentiality and safekeeping; and
- other requirements of IPIAB’s policy and code of practices.

Policy on Metrological Traceability
Policy on CMC and measurement uncertainty
Policy on proficiency test